Clocking In

Probably the toughest thing to do is stay punctual. Fact. You might look at this and be like, “I’m punctual, what’s he even on about?”

Truth of the matter is Humans are creatures of comfort. We stick to doing what we find easy and love doing. New habits die young. That’s what the issue is. We can never stick to something unless we force ourselves to it, and then slowly it becomes a part of our daily lives.

That’s what this post is about. I stopped blogging in February of this year, and it’s not like I didn’t want to. I love the concept, but getting down to it is what made it difficult. It wasn’t a habit I had formed yet, but more of an impulse than anything. So I’m going to try drilling it in, and doing this more often because there’s so much to say, just not in the frame of saying it.

Psychologists say it takes a human three full weeks of doing something so it forms a part of our daily routine.  To be honest, three weeks doesn’t even seem like a lot. 21 days. They pass by in a wiff.

Regularity is such a rare feat. by anyone nowadays. It’s not only work where it forms a habit. It happens with socialising, working out, personal goals, or even finishing a book for the matter.

So how about this, whenever you start something that you want to do, but takes an effort- try putting in the effort for three weeks, who knows, it might just pay off in the end.

I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.
– Charles Dickens


Clean your workspace!

You know those days when you come home and you’re like “damn I have a ton of work on my plate to get” Yup that’s quite the downer! You then go to your study or your work desk and you see your laptop there with papers, books and stationary (don’t forget empty food plates) all over the place and you’ve really lost all the energy and meaning to get your work done. 

One way to improve your work ethic- clean your workspace. Going to your work environment which is clean and neat already acts like a psychological booster. Your mood’s improved and you don’t mind doing the work. Everything is in order and you’ll get your job done

So when you’re done with work, get your desk neat and clean, ready for the next day’s work dump when you come home! 

Have a winning thought? Write it down

We think. All the time. Your brain runs a gazillion thoughts every day. You know those thoughts that come to you and you’re like “oh my god I need to remember this, it’s amazing!” Chances are you’ll forget it. Your brain tends to forget easily, especially thoughts that come to you. Never leave it up to remembering it, because you trust your mind to be smart enough to save it.

Always write your thoughts down, even if it’s really random. If you think it’s worth remembering, it worth a jot. Just take a stack of Post-its (try the ‘notes’ function on your phone, finally you can realise its worth) and keep it for your winning ideas and thoughts, you never know when they can come in hand. It’ll be with you forever

Reminder: Stay you, stay original.

“Be Yourself, everyone else is taken”

Unique Selling Proposition / Unique Selling Po...
Unique Selling Proposition / Unique Selling Point / USP (Photo credit: photosteve101)

Yeah, we’ve all heard that cliché quote by Oscar Wilde. But all cliché are derived from some certain truths.

I decided to blog about this, because I’m back in school after the winter break, and I realised that we, teenagers tend to get carried away with people, and with certain lifestyles, and we forget one main thing- ourselves.

It’s very common, heck I find me going through this sometimes as well. In a crowd of people, your social circle, you tend to get carried away by some people, or you ‘shadow’ someone else, probably the leader, so to say, of the group. You tend to do things we’re not used to, and we tend to do things that aren’t you, and something you wouldn’t do normally, just to be appreciated, or be apart of the group.

Thing is though, this tends to hurt you. You lose that unique selling point. You lose that initial interest people had in you for being different. Now you’re just one of them, not special, not unique. Just another sheep in the heard.

It’s hard to stay grounded at times, but its worth sticking to your true self. If people don’t accept you for yourself, and want you to change, it’s because they’re insecure about themselves, and they want you to lower yourself to their levels so they can feel confident about themselves.

Truth is, you’re the best at being you. No one is better than being you, than you are. Nor are you better at being someone else. Stick to your guns, your nobody’s dog or follower.

Just remember: go out there, and remember, you’re the best at being you!

Cheers 🙂

So much, a comic strip can teach you

So much, a comic strip can teach you

Calvin and Hobbs. I saw this pic, and I knew this is definitely one worth sharing. It’s true in a way, isn’t it? Everybody’s worried about tomorrow, no one has time to stop and wait and watch the world go by…

That person who doesn’t study, but gets an A – yeah, that’s a lie.

Everybody knows that kid who “doesn’t” study and gets an A in class. You know what, it’s a lie.

It usually isn’t possible to get an A without studying. You feel like that person’s gifted and has some bionic intelligence that somehow gets them those A grades. Honestly, it’s not true. Chances are, you’re probably smarter than those people, but you’re not putting the effort in. Success has a lot of effort in it. You can’t expect to wake up one day and be like, yeah I don’t need to work. Smell the roses, you do. Those kids who tell you don’t work, actually spend less time actually studying, and more time chilling, and that’s why whenever you talk to them, it seems like they don’t work.

The thing is, they’re more efficient. While you work 7 hours a day, with your laptop and phone on, talking to people, they probably works 3 hours a day, with no distractions, get what they need to done, and then do nothing. It seems like the biggest hoax, but it’s honestly not rocket science when you think about it.

Why not be one of them, work efficiently, spend less time working, get the A, and then be the envy of your peers, it’s slightly devilish to say this, but yeah the feeling’s good! 😉

There’s work, and then there’s a hobby. Never mix the two.

What happens when you mix what you love doing, with what you have to do? Well, a loss of your one thing that you loved doing.
You might be great at your hobby, and you can spend ages doing it, whatever that is- photography, painting, singing, playing a sport.
Thing is, you would love doing it to take your mind off your work, and making peace with yourself.
So if you tend to make your hobby your job, it changes the demographics of your hobby. You’ll get tired of doing it, because it’s now your profession, and in the midst of this, you would have lost your love for what you once loved doing.

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.


Stop whining, Start doing

So, you know those people who look for sympathy all the time? Those people who complain about the fact they have three essays due on the same day? Yeah- you. Stop whining, Start doing. Chances are, you haven’t started them, till the very last minute, then you go on to your Twitters and Facebooks and post, “fml, three assignments due tomorrow, LOL” Then you stay up all night, working somehow to get them done, and once you get them back, you’re like “damn, that’s not a pleasant grade.”

Thing is, if you actually started doing these essays earlier, you would have worked on them, and probably gotten them done before the night prior to submission. Also, then you procrastinate on Facebook, and stalk your friends over and over again, honey, there’s nothing new they’ve done in the last 10 minutes.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating, just, statically, you spend most of your time doing nothing, whining and complaining, instead of working, instead you could have done the job, gotten over with it and stalked your friends over and over again, no worries.

You can apply this to your life in many ways- Stop whining, Start doing. Instead of wasting time cribbing about it, looking for sympathy, get the job done, and then you get that certain sense of achievement and freedom, it’s wonderful- try it sometime. Start doing.

My interpretation of stuff