Tag Archives: positivity

Reminder: Stay you, stay original.

“Be Yourself, everyone else is taken”

Unique Selling Proposition / Unique Selling Po...
Unique Selling Proposition / Unique Selling Point / USP (Photo credit: photosteve101)

Yeah, we’ve all heard that cliché quote by Oscar Wilde. But all cliché are derived from some certain truths.

I decided to blog about this, because I’m back in school after the winter break, and I realised that we, teenagers tend to get carried away with people, and with certain lifestyles, and we forget one main thing- ourselves.

It’s very common, heck I find me going through this sometimes as well. In a crowd of people, your social circle, you tend to get carried away by some people, or you ‘shadow’ someone else, probably the leader, so to say, of the group. You tend to do things we’re not used to, and we tend to do things that aren’t you, and something you wouldn’t do normally, just to be appreciated, or be apart of the group.

Thing is though, this tends to hurt you. You lose that unique selling point. You lose that initial interest people had in you for being different. Now you’re just one of them, not special, not unique. Just another sheep in the heard.

It’s hard to stay grounded at times, but its worth sticking to your true self. If people don’t accept you for yourself, and want you to change, it’s because they’re insecure about themselves, and they want you to lower yourself to their levels so they can feel confident about themselves.

Truth is, you’re the best at being you. No one is better than being you, than you are. Nor are you better at being someone else. Stick to your guns, your nobody’s dog or follower.

Just remember: go out there, and remember, you’re the best at being you!

Cheers 🙂